Holding onto another December in my mind
And that same cheer, every December I try to find.
Of this December
What will i finally remember?
9th December 2014
the first of many todays
i store in my heart.
that story , in which we all shall play our part.
Isn’t it but , of course, that the story starts
in December……
And goes on forever?
13th December 2014
Decemberity, Decemberness, Decemberable, Decemberful.
That’s what I am feeling
Hey, don’t ya tell me , they are not real words
Coz real feelings very rarely can be expressed in real words.
and heck, you tell me , the words that can express
My December Love
24th December 2014
They tell me , it’s ridiculous to hold on to one December amongst twelve
I tell them, I stay where my heart does dwell.
27th December 2014