Did you get up this morning
On the wrong side of the bed?
Or just plain grumpy or really sad?
Are you feeling down and low?
Then, wipe off that fake smile
Let the world know
Your grumpiness , let it show
Enough of smiley-smileys,
Upto my gills with whatsapp happinesses.
Glorious good is all alright
if your day is as dark as night
Then, wipe off that fake charm
Scream, Yell , Fight
Tell the world to go fly a kite
Junk those good manners
Stop that pardon and sorry and oh that great excusemeplease.
shove and push and grab and seize
Adopt the third degrees.
Go ahead, trample upon toes and feelings and emotions
Yes, especially emotions. Banish them.
Be not graceful and all honey-sugary-nice
That itself is a vice
Yeah, baby – roll the dice
Pay the price . Silence the world with your cries.
Pass on the strife,
If one smile can spread trillions and a crore,
I bet a frown can do much more
Say, nay, do something bad, be spiteful,
Being good is all old school